
Showing posts from 2019

Using Oracle Autonomous database with PHP

The Oracle Cloud free tier is pretty generous, one thing that stands out is the free tier for a managed database.  Normally I would use mysql , but this is oracle and I haven't used that in a long time.  I also haven't used it with PHP These are my notes to make it work on ubuntu overview: 1. download and install oracle client and sdk 2. setup your wallet 3. setup php 4. test 1. setup and install oracle stuff mkdir /opt/oracle mkdir /opt/oracle cd /opt/oracle wget wget unzip instantclient-basic-linux.x64*.zip unzip instantclient-sdk-linux.x64-*.zip echo /opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3 > /etc/ ldconfig echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> /etc/envirome...
Making SMS work with house alarm again. Some time ago, Eir ceased the SMS center feature, so house alarms couldn't send SMS's any more.  to make things worse, they would try, and eventually time out. Asterisk can act as a service center for SMSs, so setting up a sipura ATA to take the call from the alarm panel , convert it to sip and send it to asterisks, ends up with the SMS sitting in /var/spool/asterisk/sms I used astlinux on an alix system as my asterisks setup, and added this to the extensions.conf exten => 1234/98765,1,Verbose(Receiving SMS from ${CALLERIDNUM}) exten => 1234/98765,2,Answer exten =>  1234/98765,3,Wait(1) exten =>  1234/98765,4,SMS(sms_fixedline,as) exten =>  1234/98765,5,Hangup and made sure the call was routed to this extension. you can simple cron watching the spool directory, pick the sms and forward via an sms provider with curl ...

Fire Alarms

I recently had to find someone to service and install a fire alarm and security system.  Came across and they were excellent