watchdog script for openwrt

sometimes my 3g based openwrt system gets in a broken state, and as it is going to be remote, I need a watchdog script to reboot it if the internet connection is broken

This is a bash script that runs from boot


ping -4 -c 3 -I ppp0 | grep -v '0 packets received' | grep 'packets received' || (ping -4 -c 3 -I ppp0 | grep -v '0 packets received' | grep 'packets received' || reboot)

sleep 60

/bin/sh /etc/config/ >> /dev/null 2>&1 &


it is called from /etc/rc.d/S95done


Unknown said…
this is my script
must wait before start 2 Mn on ubiquiti picostation 2 HP mode universal repeater and ping router was attached


sleep 180

ping -4 -c 3 -I wlan0-1 | grep -v '0 packets received' | grep 'packets received' || (ping -4 -c 3 -I wlan0-1 | grep -v '0 packets received' | grep 'packets received' || reboot)

sleep 60

/bin/sh /etc/config/ >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
Unknown said…
the only problem is work at startup but after does nothing and i need working permanently
have you an idea ??
Unknown said…
finaly i do it that for my picostation 2 HP with openwrt Attitude Adjustment 12.09 mode universal repeater. sorry i have no time to translate can you do it for me !

pour que le router reboot automatiquement lorsque la connection est couper(mode universal repeater)
aller dans system a l'onglet startup, en bas ajouter ces lignes de commande dans local startup


ping -4 -c 3 -I wlan0-1 | grep -v '0 packets received' | grep 'packets received' || (ping -4 -c 3 -I wlan0-1 | grep -v '0 packets received' | grep 'packets received' || reboot)

/bin/sh /etc/config/ >> /dev/null 2>&1 &

se connecter en SSH et aller dans /etc , vous trouvez ici le rc.local qu'il faut rendre executable comme ceci: chmod +x rc.local

pour finir dans system allez a scheduled task (cron) et ajouter ces commandes pour un ping toutes les 2Mn

*/2 * * * * /etc/rc.local

voila ces fini !! @sly2015

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